Some Washington property owners allow their tenants to sublet. However, it’s important for them to weigh the pros and cons of this.
Allowing tenants to sublet can offer certain benefits. If the tenant is responsible paying their rent, they’ll ensure that this continues while subletting. Such a tenant won’t want to damage their credit, so they’ll continue being diligent when it comes to paying.
Subletting can lead to an increase in rent. This can help the property owner and the tenant. For example, if a tenant has an unused bedroom and decides to sublet it, that can bring in more money and make use of the unused space. The landlord can get more money each month on rent while the tenant can reduce their monthly expenses.
If you have responsible parties subletting your property, it can make maintenance easier. When tenants and those subletting are responsible, they’ll take better care of the property, which makes it easier and cheaper for the property owner.
In spite of the pros, subletting sometimes comes with cons. The first is that the property owner may have less control over the property because they don’t have a direct relationship with the parties subletting. They are also at the mercy of the tenant to ensure that the person subletting the property follows all the terms of the lease.
If the individual subletting is not the most responsible, it’s possible for property damage to occur. In that situation, subletting may not be right for the property owner.
Some tenants are unable to afford their rent and think if they sublet, it might help. However, if the property owner raises the rent, it doesn’t help them or the owner.